The Anatomica Philosophy:
Freedom of Movement + Optimal Weight Distribution = Relaxation & Performance

The concept behind the Anatomica dressage saddle is simple: a horse that moves in relaxation enjoys the sport more and, as a result, performs better. Relaxation can only be achieved by relieving the horse as much as possible.

However, achieving this goal is more complex. A horse can only relax when it can move without pain. From this state of relaxation, free-flowing gaits with schwung are achieved.

To enable pain-free movement, the first step is to study the horse’s anatomy, identifying the muscles crucial for movement. The second step is to explore technological solutions in saddle development to support these anatomical needs.

The Trapezius Muscle (Musculus trapezius):

Running along the neck and withers, this muscle moves the shoulder forward, enabling the horse to lift its leg.

Key Muscles Involved in Horse Movement Under the Saddle:

The following muscles play a significant role in a horse’s motion under the saddle. Understanding and accommodating these muscles is essential for promoting relaxation and optimal performance.

Due to the openwork tree of the Anatomica saddle, the trapezius muscle has optimal room for movement. The shoulder blade can easily rotate under the tree. This shape also ensures that the neck band has optimal freedom, allowing the horse to easily lift and bend its neck.

The intercostal muscle (musculus iliocostalis) runs from the 4th cervical vertebra to the 15th rib. This muscle fixes the lumbar region and the ribs and is responsible for the extension and lateral movements of the spine. Thanks to the openwork tree, this muscle can function optimally.

The broad back muscle (musculus latissimus dorsi) is connected to the upper arm from the back. This muscle is responsible for bending the shoulder joint, causing the leg to move backward.

This muscle is relieved by the Anatomica saddle because the panels on the flanks are extra wide. As a result, there is no pressure on the broad back muscle. Since the front stirrup passes through the panel, the front leg has more freedom of movement, enabling a larger stride.


Anatomica has different types of panels that are suitable for various types of horses.

The middle saddle in the image shows the panels of the saddles with a monoflap. These panels are wider than those of the saddles with double flap designs. The saddle on the right in the photo shows the panels of models with double flaps. These panels are particularly suitable for horses with a lot of muscle on their back and flanks, making them ideal for stallions, for example.

Thanks to these different panel options in Anatomica saddles, the ideal saddle can be found for each horse, minimizing the pressure on the back.

The panels you see below are the ones you are accustomed to from Anatomica:

Short Back panel  – Standaard panel  –  Half front panel

The muscle that runs on both sides of the spine is the long back muscle (musculus longissimus). This muscle is not designed to carry weight; it is a movement muscle that connects the forehand to the hindhand. It stabilizes and extends the spine, allowing the upper body to be upright. Additionally, it helps to elevate the neck and head. This muscle is important for bending the neck.

When this muscle is hindered, the horse’s movement is greatly restricted. The horse arches its back, and the hindquarters can no longer step well under the body. As a result, the horse cannot give in and becomes unbalanced. Bending to the left and right becomes almost impossible, and the horse can no longer stretch its neck. As the horse starts to move with a hollow back, back problems can develop or worsen.

The skin muscle (musculus cutaneus trunci) of a horse can be 1 to 4 cm thick in certain areas (depending on breed/inheritance). This muscle can become irritated by a cushion that is not soft and evenly filled. Therefore, all Anatomica saddles contain cushions with 10 mm foam for complete adaptation to the back and pressure distribution. This is followed by a sheeps wool filling, which the saddle maker can tailor to the horse.


The wide cushion channel provides the spinal column and the neck band with optimal freedom of movement. The width of this cushion channel is four fingers wide for most horses, but it varies depending on breed and inheritance.


By using three attachment points for the girth straps, a stable position of the saddle is achieved. The front strap is used for girthing the saddle at the front. The second strap is connected to a V-system, which allows the saddle to be girth on two points using a single strap. In total, the saddle is secured at three points on the horse’s back, ensuring that the pressure is distributed more evenly across the horse’s back and the saddle stays more stable. This ensures that all the aforementioned muscles are evenly loaded, benefiting muscle functionality.

The girth straps can be attached to the Anatomica saddle in two ways. Option A ensures that the saddle lies more firmly on the horse’s back, preventing any sliding. Option B offers the horse more freedom of movement in the shoulder. Your saddler will ensure that the girth straps are attached correctly.